F. B. Meyer (1847-1929)

Global Apostle of Godliness



F B Meyer was one of the most prominent Baptist pastors of his time. He pastored several churches, including one that had only 100 people attending when he arrived, but two years later had 2,000 coming—Christ Church in London. He remained at this church for 15 years, and then began an itinerate ministry that took him to many countries of the world.  He conducted his last of 12 American preaching campaigns at the age of 80, during which he spoke at more than 300 meetings. Over his lifetime he preached more than 16,000 sermons. He had a lifelong friendship with D. L. Moody and was a frequent and very popular speaker at the Keswick conventions. Speaking of his sermons, one writer—unknown by me—shared: "The phrasing of [Meyer's] sermons was simple and direct; he polished his discourses as an artist polishes a perfect stone. There was always a glowing imagery in his words; his speech was pastoral, lovely as an English valley washed in sunlight. In his day, great wars raged. Those who went to hear him forgot the battles." He worked tirelessly against the social evils of the day and was responsible for closing 500 houses of prostitution and opening a prison aid society. He wrote over 40 books, including many Bible biographies. His biographies are wonderful and to be found and read!—Dan

Why Learn About F. B. Meyer

His Life

His Ministry

His Writings

Some Quick Facts

F. B. Meyer's Conversion & Significant Other Milestones

Meyer's Surrender Testimony

His Testimony on Receiving the Holy Spirit

F. B. Meyer's Sermons & Writings

I have learned much from F. B. Meyer, especially some of the practical lessons from the Bible biographies that he wrote. There are things where I differ, but thee is much to gain and include many books. Read with discernment.

I Chose You and Placed You

This sermon was given at the Kul Convention in China in 1910. It is wonderful on what it means to be a branch abiding in the vine. Here is a sample thought from the sermon: "You must be content to be trampled under foot and forgotten; to bleed at every pore as the branch does when it is pruned; it is enough that you bear much fruit." (Read all of "I Chose You and Placed You.")

Separation, Fullness and the Anointing

Given as the first address of Student Volunteer Convention in 1898, Meyer's was to help the attendees prepare for receiving blessings during the course of the convention that would follow. He preached on three themes: Separation (from areas of uncleaness),  receiving Christ's fullness, and obtaining the anointing of the Spirit. Between each section he paused to allow the attendees to think and pray. (Read all of this preparatory sermon by Meyer)

The Blessed Life

This is a wonderful chapter on the elements of a blessed life. You will be greatly blessed in reading it. Here is a sample: "When you feel temptation approaching you, as a bird by some quick instinct is aware that the hawk is hovering near, then instantly lift your heart to Christ for deliverance. He cannot rebuff or fail you. He will gather you under His feathers, and under His wings shall you trust. And when any petty annoyance or heavier worry threatens to mar your peace, in the flash of a moment, hand it over to Jesus, saying, "Lord, I am oppressed; undertake this for me." "Ah," you sigh, "I wish indeed I could live like this, but in the moment of need I forget to look." Then do this. Trust in Christ to keep you trusting. Look to Him so to abide in you as to keep your abiding. In the early morning entrust to Him the keeping of your soul, and then, as hour succeeds hour, expect Him to keep that which you have committed unto Him." (Read the rest of the Blessed Life)

F. B. Meyer's Books

A Sample of His Writings

"Whenever (God's voice) speaks, it may be detected by its constant reiteration of one note, like the sounding of a bell by the tide far out from shore.  It is never "Yea and nay," but always "Yea."  It often speaks in the teeth of ordinary experience and convention, and asks us to leave the beach, which we have been hugging too long.  It generally offers the acid test to our faith and exposes us to the ridicule of our associates.  But it is endorsed in the depths of our soul by an answering assent.  It is corroborated by circumstances.  God's providence bears witness to the inner voice.  To disobey is to become a castaway. To yield obedience is to enter on a vast and lasting inheritance. He has a place and a use for you, but you must surrender yourself to His disposal.  Refuse to be bound by customs, circumstances, or the conventions of the shore.  Make Christ Captain, whilst you take to the oars.  At His bidding, launch out into the deep, and remember that yonder across the waters, is the coast-line of Eternity, where in the morning-dawn the Fire and Provision of Divine Preparation await the obedient soul, and the unbroken net shall be dragged to shore, 'full of great fishes, one hundred and fifty and three.'"

F. B. Meyer Books